The Circuit Conference West youth camp took place from 14 to 19 December 2023 at Kijk In De Pot campsite in Pniel. About 30 teens attended from all over the Cape peninsula and the SA Children’s Home. A team of eight facilitators, including Ingrid van Sittert and Hermann Düvel, presented the sessions over the five days of camp with the theme ‘Harvesting Hope’.

From Stellenbosch congregation Barbara Meylahn, Christina Thomas and I attended. On the first day, we arrived in the afternoon and after finding our cabins and putting away our stuff, we started with an ice breaker activity where we introduced ourselves and played some games to get to know each other. Ice breaker Mario and his team made a yummy chicken supper for us and then we had a session called ‘Gathering at the table’. A favorite were the Mega Mario burgers for lunch the next day. All the food was really tasty and on the last day we had a feast meal at lunch. I really enjoyed practicing and playing the cajon in the camp music team. We accompanied the singing in the Bible study sessions and devotions and also during the Sunday service.

During the day the huts were very hot, but the activities were very fun. I especially en- joyed the hike to the waterfall. We also deco- rated some candles and hand-painted a table runner for the altar of each congregation.

Almost every evening we made a bonfire at the bottom of the campsite. We sang around the fire, and on the last evening we had toasted marshmallows and hot chocolate.
Although the camp was much fun, I was VERY tired afterwards.

Martin Rohwer (Report and Photographs)


What a special week we had together at the Harvesting Hope Youth Camp. When planning the camp with the team we were uncertain of what the out- come of the camp would be. All we could do we trust in God. And what an outcome it was! On arrival, we were not sure how all the youth of the vari- ous congregations would get along, but by the third day, one did not know who was actually from which congregation. For me, this is what stood out the most about the camp. We could plan as much as we wanted, but only Christ could bind everyone together in unity. I look forward to the next camp, hope- ful and excited to see God move again.

Ingrid van Sittert


At camp, within the first day everyone clicked; we spoke and joked with each other as if we’d known everyone for years. Everyone felt part of a group which stuck together. A lot of friendships were established within the first few hours, especially because of the ice breaker. Everyday we had devotionals to encou- rage us to grow our faith in a simple and fun manner. The best part of devo- tionals, I must admit, were the songs. All day you would hear people sing ‘Amen amen’ or ‘For health and strength’. The swimming pool was lots of fun too, playing Marco polo, pushing each other in the water and sleeping in the sun was just what we needed since it was our holiday after a long school year. The morning meditation sessions, which we did with our cabin mates, were the perfect way to start our morning. We were given a bible verse to read and discuss, as well as a prayer. For breakfast everyone was looking forward to the food which Mario and his team made. It was delicious, but of course with a meal comes dishes duty. I must admit, the kitchen duty wasn’t horrible. I did become close with my duty partners and we laughed and joked a lot! My fa- vourite meal was most definitely the burgers, and the morning coffees were always just what we needed to prepare us for the adventurous, laughter-filled and exhausting day ahead. Although

all the activities were amazing and fun, I can confidently say that the campfires were my personal favour- ite part of the camp – I think I can speak for many others when I say that as well. The sing-songs, the fun- ny or scary stories, the random con- versations we had, and of course the marshmallows! I personally made many friends and close relationships on this camp which was 100% worthwhile; it was nice to become close with so many different people of different ages or backgrounds but the one thing we had in common was our faith which is what really matters!

Christina Thomas

The Circuit Conference West youth camp took place from 14 to 19 December 2023 at Kijk In De Pot campsite in Pniel. About 30 teens attended from all over the Cape peninsula and the SA Children’s Home. A team of eight facilitators, including Ingrid van Sittert and Hermann Düvel, presented the sessions over the five days of camp with the theme ‘Harvesting Hope’.

From Stellenbosch congregation Barbara Meylahn, Christina Thomas and I attended. On the first day, we arrived in the afternoon and after finding our cabins and putting away our stuff, we started with an ice breaker activity where we introduced ourselves and played some games to get to know each other. Ice breaker Mario and his team made a yummy chicken supper for us and then we had a session called ‘Gathering at the table’. A favorite were the Mega Mario burgers for lunch the next day. All the food was really tasty and on the last day we had a feast meal at lunch. I really enjoyed practicing and playing the cajon in the camp music team. We accompanied the singing in the Bible study sessions and devotions and also during the Sunday service.

During the day the huts were very hot, but the activities were very fun. I especially en- joyed the hike to the waterfall. We also deco- rated some candles and hand-painted a table runner for the altar of each congregation.

Almost every evening we made a bonfire at the bottom of the campsite. We sang around the fire, and on the last evening we had toasted marshmallows and hot chocolate.
Although the camp was much fun, I was VERY tired afterwards.

Martin Rohwer (Report and Photographs)


What a special week we had together at the Harvesting Hope Youth Camp. When planning the camp with the team we were uncertain of what the out- come of the camp would be. All we could do we trust in God. And what an outcome it was! On arrival, we were not sure how all the youth of the vari- ous congregations would get along, but by the third day, one did not know who was actually from which congregation. For me, this is what stood out the most about the camp. We could plan as much as we wanted, but only Christ could bind everyone together in unity. I look forward to the next camp, hope- ful and excited to see God move again.

Ingrid van Sittert


At camp, within the first day everyone clicked; we spoke and joked with each other as if we’d known everyone for years. Everyone felt part of a group which stuck together. A lot of friendships were established within the first few hours, especially because of the ice breaker. Everyday we had devotionals to encou- rage us to grow our faith in a simple and fun manner. The best part of devo- tionals, I must admit, were the songs. All day you would hear people sing ‘Amen amen’ or ‘For health and strength’. The swimming pool was lots of fun too, playing Marco polo, pushing each other in the water and sleeping in the sun was just what we needed since it was our holiday after a long school year. The morning meditation sessions, which we did with our cabin mates, were the perfect way to start our morning. We were given a bible verse to read and discuss, as well as a prayer. For breakfast everyone was looking forward to the food which Mario and his team made. It was delicious, but of course with a meal comes dishes duty. I must admit, the kitchen duty wasn’t horrible. I did become close with my duty partners and we laughed and joked a lot! My fa- vourite meal was most definitely the burgers, and the morning coffees were always just what we needed to prepare us for the adventurous, laughter-filled and exhausting day ahead. Although

all the activities were amazing and fun, I can confidently say that the campfires were my personal favour- ite part of the camp – I think I can speak for many others when I say that as well. The sing-songs, the fun- ny or scary stories, the random con- versations we had, and of course the marshmallows! I personally made many friends and close relationships on this camp which was 100% worthwhile; it was nice to become close with so many different people of different ages or backgrounds but the one thing we had in common was our faith which is what really matters!

Christina Thomas