Currently I am studying my Bachelor of Theology at Stellenbosch University. In April 2023 I applied to the Stellenbosch International Office to study Theology at the Georg-August University (Göttingen University) in Göttingen, Germany. I was enrolled for a semester in Germany from 12 October 2023 to 29 February 2024.

Upon arrival in Göttingen, it took me a while to get used to the place. Regarding the academics, Göttingen University has a very good Faculty of Theology with top professors. However, they teach Theology in a German-European context wheras at Stellenbosch they teach Theology in an African-South African context. It took a long time to realise this because a large majority of theologians who helped shape our understanding of the Bible today are German. Therefore, I thought that they would teach a strict theory-orientated kind of Theology. How- ever, in the same way that the Theology which is taught in Stellenbosch is con- textual, the Theology taught in Germany is also contextual.

Furthermore, their classes are different. Firstly, I attended a three-hour lecture every Thursday from 09h00-13h00 (with breaks in between). Then they also do not have classes according to academic years. For example, in Stellenbosch all the first year students have class together, second years’ together and so forth. At Göttingen they offer lectures and whoever still needs to complete that mod- ule can register and attend. As a result, you will sit in a class with someone who just started their studies or someone who is about to finish their studies. This makes for an enriching learning experience because you have a diverse group of people with a wide range of knowledge and experiences.

Then finally, at the beginning of February 2024 it was time for me come back home to the Mother City with her beautiful mountains
and warm weather. To be honest, I was looking forward
to coming back home because I was tired of the cold,

dark and depressing weather.
In conclusion, one thing I want say to every South African person is please do not think other countries are better. South Africa is a very beautiful country with amazing people. There is no comparison between South Africa and another country. We have challenges. Every other country has challenges. We have things which are better and more attractive and so do all the other countries al- so. Therefore, I will never bad mouth South Africa when I am abroad and I will always come back. Jeandre Rhodes