For decades we know that many things have changed in and for the church, it is constantly changing. Change brings with it challenges, but also the opportunity to rethink being church, and to dare to take bold steps in being church here and now.
Discussions and research are important to this process because they help us understand where we are and give us insight into where we should be headed (but, do we want to change?).
In conversation with others and reading on the matter, there are many suggestions as to what the church should focus on. In this process allow me to share some ideas with you, because we are on our way together.
If we ask ourselves the question of being church ’here and now’, i.e. a church that is relevant and serves the people, then it is important that:
• We are the church of Jesus Christ and not a mere institution called church.
• Church does not only take place in the church building or in the traditional structures of a congregation.
• The unreached are reached with the gospel. (We are called to not just take care of the members, but to go out and share the Gospel.)
• We serve in the context of where we are. (We find that our buildings are no longer cen- trally located for us as they were previously. The social dynamics and environment has changed.)
• Laity are to be equipped for ministry. (How long will full-time ministry continue as we know it?)
• Lived spirituality is important. It gives us strength for service and invites people in the body of Christ.
How do you see the opportunities and challenges?
What other aspects are to be included?
Get in touch with sisters and brothers in your congregation and community and share with them what you believe God is up to.
Help us be a serving and relevant church for God’s glory.
Course 3 of the “Preacher Training” was offered on 17 September. The topic was: The Bible – What is it trying to tell us?
Course 4 will be next. The topic is: The sermon – From me to the text to the congregation (Homiletics). The date will be announced soon.
More information can be obtained from Pastor Frank Schütte (frank.schutte81@gmail.com).
Studying Theology
On the Cape Church YouTube channel https://youtu.be/2sl-wK24cUY you will find a video with an explanation on studying theology in the Lutheran Church.
For information on Church life look at our webpage: https://www.lutherancape.org.za/