Peter writes: “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15). This is an invita- tion to us to think about the hope we hold onto as Christians, so that we can share it boldly.

We have hope, the kind of hope that enables us to carry on, even in the midst of suffering, hunger, hardship, war, strife or illness. Many things around us seem to be crumbling, yet we do not give up, as we have hope in and through Jesus Christ. There is many a reason to give up hope, as trust in our fellow human be- ings is often destroyed because of their lies and deceit. Looking around us we ask whether there still is a secure future for us? So, what is there that we hold on to that will carry us through such situations?

What and who do you hold on to when everything sways, trembles and falls apart? Think about it so that you can tell, Peter says.
Peter calls on us to be willing to tell others what it is that God has given us, his children, so that we have hope. He urges us to be prepared to share what has changed in our lives since we walk with Jesus Christ, both in the difficult times and in the times of joy and peace.

Being ready means wanting to tell because I know what I believe and what the Lord has done for me on the cross on Golgotha and when he rose again on Easter morning.
Peter reminds us that it is good if we think about it carefully and share it boldly. In the congregation we have the opportunity to practice this because we are gathered as believers and are strengthened by the testimonies shared. And when we are asked, we have already shared it and know, and therefore we can speak with conviction about the hope we have.

We are celebrating Good Friday and Easter, both a sign of hope. May we share with joy: “The Lord is risen! He is truly risen! Hallelujah!”
Let us proclaim the good news with reverence. It should not be done in a pushy way, nor with arrogance, nor do we need to be defensive. But we are to share it with joy and boldness, as the risen Lord is among us right here and now. Amen.



The LWF is a global communion of 150 churches in the Lutheran tradition, representing 77.5 million Christians in 99 countries. The LWF acts on behalf of its member churches in areas of ecumenical and interfaith relations, theology, humanitarian assistance, human rights, communication and the various aspects of mission and development.

Visit: to explore what is happening in the Lutheran Church worldwide; find statements on current issues and conflict situations; theological reflection on ethical issues, resources for worship and much more.



The First Theological Exam was held on 21-22.2.2024. Tristan Krüger, PJ Hanekom and Hans-Christoph Lange have passed the exam and have been placed as interns (vicar) in different congregations.

Hans-Christoph Lange serves in the St Martini congregation under the mentorship of Pastor (em.) Walter Schwär and Pastor Felix Meylahn. May it be a wonderful time of learning, exploring and joyous serving.

The Second Theological Exam will take place on 16.4.2024 with Ingrid van Sittert as candidate. Please keep her in your prayers.


Filling vacancies
St. Martini has chosen Mrs Miriam Küllmer-Vogt from Germany as their pastor. We thank the EKD for making it possible for her to serve in our church. Visa permitting she will start on 1.9.2024.



On the Cape Church YouTube channel you will find a video with an explanation on studying theology in the Lutheran Church.



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